The Reanimated Dead - Chapter 41-46 END (Tokyo Debunker JP Dub EN Sub)

Описание к видео The Reanimated Dead - Chapter 41-46 END (Tokyo Debunker JP Dub EN Sub)

HARU ARE YOU HIDING A MERMAID FRIEND??????? I wanna see, I'm so curious about the old houses that went defunct T^T

It's crazy that Jiro is Zenji's brother. I genuinely did NOT expect that plot twist AT ALL.

I dont like how the Chancellor is all like "Yeah your friends died but ANYWAY YAY GALA". Like, isnt that a bit disrespectful to the MANY students that died? It's so heartless and I don't know if this is intentionally written this way or not. Not to mention, he seems so happy capturing an anomaly who would forever be in a constant state of pain and dismemberment like it's a good thing... What are they going to do with it? Darkwick sounds more and more shady with each episode. I've never expected a twist where the academy itself is a place you can't be trusted, it's very intriguing.

I am appalled at Ed's behavior. I'm not sure how to judge it honestly Like on one hand he basically outed to everyone that MC is going to be dangerous in a year but at the same time he forced Darkwick to not keep it a secret anymore. It's kinda wild thinking about how theyre witholding information from her.

#otome #tokyodebunker #mortkranken


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