THK Gallery Presents Lulama Wolf

Описание к видео THK Gallery Presents Lulama Wolf

THK Gallery is a dynamic contemporary art gallery situated in the heart of Cape Town, South Africa, with an experimental space in Cologne, Germany.
Founded by German photographer and collector Frank Schönau in 2018, who was joined by auctioneer Linda Pyke. Working with established and emerging artists from Africa and the diaspora, as well as international artists, it presents a diverse array of developing contemporary visual art forms.
It contributes to the contemporary art discourse by showcasing, to a global audience, art that presents alternative perspectives and aesthetics.


At the intersection of Neo-Expressionism and Modern African Art, Lulama Wolf interrogates the pre-colonial African experience through the contemporary mind by using smearing, scraping, and deep pigment techniques that were used in vernacular architecture, and the patterns created largely by women to decorate traditional African homes.

"My work carries my spirit, before it carries a message. My intuition plays a vital role in the direction I go and then I compartmentalise with what I prioritise. I represent different parts of myself including abstraction, curiosity, mythology, spirituality and introspection. Blackness is vital in my work because it is created by a black woman despite the medium or language it speaks, it is vital because proof of existence is rare in the black community, information is shared but isn’t sustained in ways that are knowledgeable to us right now. I express my yearning for answers and clarity in ways that make my blackness clear even when the work is abstract. My practice embodies subtlety in a form of texture and expression, a curious mix of ambiguity and curiosity. I experiment with different textures and mold that are formed from the earth."

At only 30 years of age, Wolf has held solo exhibitions in Cape Town, London and Athens. Her work has been shown at Frieze London in 2022 with The Breeder, and in June that year she was exhibit at Art Basel. In August of that year her work was presented in a dual presentation with sculptures from estate of Sonia Ferlov, a Danish sculptor and wife Ernest Mancoba, one of the leading modernist South African painters who was exiled in Denmark during the Apartheid years.


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