Does God exist? Science does not have an answer.

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Today we will talk about the question whether god exists. I know that some of you have been wondering what has happened to me that I go on about this, but I swear at the end of this video it’ll all make sense!

As some of you have pointed out correctly, God could be said to exist in a different way than, say, elementary particles. Some have suggested to call it “immaterial existence”. But I find this misleading because space and time are also immaterial, yet they do exist in the scientific sense. Some have suggested to call it “non-physical existence”, but this raises the impression it has something to do with physics in particular, which is also misleading. What it really is, is a non-scientific type of existence. Or, let us call it what it is, it’s a religious existence. God exists in the religious way. An element of a hypothesis that does not result in observable consequences exist in the religious way.


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