Bringsel indication

Описание к видео Bringsel indication

Bringsel indication is a well known methods for indicating victims for search and rescue dogs.

The idea is that whenever the dog finds a victim it should take the bringsel in its mouth and go back to the handler, who will then put on a leash and tell the dog to find the victim once again. The advantage is that in case of a person being afraid of dogs, the stress on the person is much less than if the dog would bark, as well as the dogs keeps on distance of the victim and the handler has no problem of hearing the dog bark at a large distance.

I started with this method of indication 22th of Juni 2009, and 7th of July 2009 this video shows our level :o).

Notice that I taught him to indicate my helmet in order to be able to train by myself, and he only indicates this one and not the white plastic bucket or anything else. This was the first time he had this long search, and the helmet was hidden on a new place (guess by yourself where it is usually hidden *GGG*).


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