Finding the Elusive Mining Camp - Nevada

Описание к видео Finding the Elusive Mining Camp - Nevada

The road getting to this historic mining camp was a difficult one in many ways. It is not listed on the map, information is scarce, the original road no longer exists, finding it took three days, one flat tire, and a lot of frustration. Finally, the long bumpy sandy road took us to one last overlook, and there it was.
Suddenly, despite all the hardships, we were overjoyed to face one of the oldest mining camps in Nevada. Dating back to the early 1860s, the mines in the area were worked until 1870.
It was rediscovered and reworked from the 1930s until the 1950s. More permanent cabins were built for the small crew that worked the three mines in the vicinity.
What a treat to be able to walk in the footsteps of miners dating back to the mid-1800s. These historic sites need to be preserved as an important piece of our growth as a nation. Without these early hard-working pioneers paving our path, where would we be today?

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