Sekiro No Gourd Challenge - "Hesitation is Defeat!" Vs Sword Saint Isshin

Описание к видео Sekiro No Gourd Challenge - "Hesitation is Defeat!" Vs Sword Saint Isshin

The finale of the Sekiro no gourd challenge run, I thought I’d post this fight too since it was fairly clean and also had a clutch NEAR death experience at the very end. On top of this will also be my very first Sword Saint Isshin fight I’ve ever posted here on my channel 😄

This fight took me some time to get back into the flow of again after having not fought him for so long and when I did, phase 1 became a breeze. Phase 2 is still definitely the toughest of them all but I could feel myself getting progressively better at it too, and I feel like this was a pretty clean phase 2. Phase 3 I feel like is a generally “free” phase if he gives you a lot of lightning reversals, this was my second time getting to phase 3 and I did get pretty fortunate with him doing 2 lightning attacks in a row for big damage. The first death I had was honestly just a misread on my part. For some reason I thought he was doing a sweep so I jumped instead of Mikiri’d. Maybe I could’ve won this fight without using a resurrection if this didn’t happen but it ended up that way haha. This fight is still absolute PEAK, both as a final boss and as a fight. The pinnacle of Sekiro’s combat without question. As Isshin once said “HESITATION IS DEFEAT”


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