CROWNS and QUESTS!! Let’s play CASTLE PANIC with

Описание к видео CROWNS and QUESTS!! Let’s play CASTLE PANIC with

As if Orcs and Goblins weren't terrifying enough, now there's QUESTS (and CROWNS)! Castle Panic: Crowns and Quests adds and entirely new dynamic to the beloved Castle Panic game. Now, to win the game you must defend your castle from the encroaching monsters AND complete the regular and end game quests - and until you do the monsters just respawn endlessly - it's both exhilarating and terrifying, and SO MUCH FUN!!!

You can buy Castle Panic first edition here:
Castle Panic 2nd Edition and Crowns and Quests will be available in November 2022

#CastlePanic #CrownsandQuests #LetsPlay #boardgames #PlaytheGame #PlaytheGameHQ #PlaytheGameChannel #Tabletop #TaletopGames #FamilyGames #Kidsplaining

This video was sponsored by Fireside Games

00:00 Introduction
00:24 Welcome
01:00 How to Play Castle Panic
01:30 Crowns and Quests - What's New
02:23 C&Q - The Wrath of the Stone Thrower
02:58 C&Q - Player Abilities (The Crowns)
05:08 The Game Begins
06:06 Quest Explanation - The Scout
07:42 End of turn - Moving Monsters
08:52 Moving the Scout
11:14 Scout - Looking for the Stone Thrower
14:39 Boss Monsters - Orc Warlord
15:10 Round 2
22:54 The Scout Fights a Troll
23:15 Round 3
30:14 We Found the Stone Thrower!!
31:00 Crowns and Quests - When your Castle Number is Destroyed
31:34 Round 4
32:06 Hitting the Stone Thrower
35:03 Slaying the Stone Thrower
35:25 Quest Reward
36:46 Not to jinx us or anything.....
37:15 Starting the End Game Quest - Obelisk of Oblivion
38:09 New arc/ring placement mechanic
38:47 Magical stones
41:45 Quest Upkeep
48:50 End Game Quest Round 2
55:09 Final Turn
56:12 End of Game

Castle Panic Crowns and Quests is the newest expansion for the Castle Panic Board Game. In the Crowns and Quests board game, players will be adding new roles to Castle Panic. In Castle Panic Crows and Quests, Each player will have a character and ability that is unique and will help them along the way. In addition to player abilities, Castle Panic Crowns and Quests adds....QUESTS. Each game of Castle Panic Crowns and Quests will be played with a beginning and end game quests. Players will need to defeat the beginning quest and the end game quests to win, and until you do, monsters respawn ENDLESSLY.

From the Publisher:
Castle Panic
Castle Panic is a cooperative, light strategy game for 1 to 6 players ages 10 and up. Players must work together to defend their castle, in the center of the board, from monsters that attack out of the forest at the edges of the board. Players trade cards, hit and slay monsters, and plan strategies together to keep their castle towers intact. The players either win or lose together, but only the player with the most victory points is declared the Master Slayer. Players must balance the survival of the group with their own desire to win.

Crowns and Quests

Castle Panic: Crowns and Quests adds new characters and quests to the world of Castle Panic.

Players can choose from a variety of playable characters, each with their own game-changing power that can be used on that player's turn. Players use these powers to attempt a series of quests that must be completed before the castle is destroyed. Quests can include retrieving magical items from spaces on the board, destroying a cursed temple, or teleporting the entire castle to safety, among other challenges — all while fighting off the monster army.

In more detail...
Crowns and Quests, the newest expansion to Castle Panic, adds 12 playable characters with unique abilities that allow players to join the royal court to defend the Castle. Each character is assigned to 1 of the 6 towers at the start of the game. If that tower is destroyed, the character is lost, and the player must continue without that ability.

Players will need those abilities too, since there are now quests that the players must try to survive to win the game. At the start of the game, players choose 1 Standard Quest and 1 Endgame Quest. Until both of those Quests are completed, the pile of Monsters will refill over and over.

Standard Quests include searching for magic scrolls, looking for a cure for a plague of madness, holding off magical stones that cause the Monsters to spawn closer and closer to the Castle, and much more. Once the Standard Quest is achieved, players move on to the Endgame Quest, which they either complete or perish trying. Endgame Quests feature challenges such as collapsing caves to stop the flow of Monsters, racing against time to destroy a cursed obelisk, and placing magical portals to teleport the entire Castle to safety. There are 11 Standard and 7 Endgame Quests to choose from, providing hours and hours of replay as players explore all the different challenges.

Play the Game HQ a youtube channel dedicated to sharing our love of boardgames.


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