
Описание к видео 【POV】佐賀県西松浦郡有田町(内山地区)の路地散策~StreetSnap~


00:00 はじめに
02:32 県道281号大木有田線
08:39 裏路地①
14:32 トンバイ塀のある裏通り
17:24 裏路地②
22:06 深川製磁横

This is a photo shooting scenery of Arita Town (Uchiyama area), Nishimatsuura-gun, Saga Prefecture. Arita is famous for the annual Arita Pottery Fair, but everyday Arita is also a very quaint place. Please enjoy the scenery at the end of the alley, which is not usually in the spotlight.



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