[if tubbo snapped - part/ep 1]

Описание к видео [if tubbo snapped - part/ep 1]


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my au: (I'm talking about the characters. I'm not talking about the actual real people)

Tubbo never wanted to be president, he is actually against government. he was peer pressured and forced into it by everyone around him.

Tommy is very clingy towards Tubbo, and he would die at the thought of Tubbo leaving him, however after some getting used to, He is now fine with Ranboo.

Karl was supposed to fix this timeline by preventing Las Nevadas. But failed. Making this a failed timeline.

Glatt visits Tubbo every few days. But not in a good way. He tells Tubbo about how everyone hates him. (they dont)

Tubbo hasn't really told anyone about his trauma. (think of him as Sayori from ddlc around Tommy, and Ranboo.)

Techno tries to act more tough around Tubbo, because he stills sees Tubbo as a threat. but quickly realizes that he isnt.

Tubbo accidently told Quackity about Glatt, because he thought that he would understand, But now Quackity uses it as leverage.

Big Q raised Tubbo. But Jschlatt babysitted Tubbo when Big Q couldn't take care of him. However. Jschlatt was terrible. He never cared for Tubbo. and would be very mentally abusive, And when he was drunk, Sometimes physically abusive.

Philza and Techno have never really heard about Las Nevadas. Because they haven't really stayed in contact with anyone ever since Lmanberg.

that's all :]]]
thx for reading


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