Depreciation Part-2|| Straight Line Method|| How to Prepare Machinery Account|| Accountancy

Описание к видео Depreciation Part-2|| Straight Line Method|| How to Prepare Machinery Account|| Accountancy

Hi Friends!

In this tutorial video, I have explained how to prepare Machinery account by using SLM (Straight Line Method). Basically, you got three types of question from SLM. So, Here I have explained all those types. You can easily solve SLM related questions after watching this video.
In part 3, I will explain the WDV method of Depreciation.

For theoretical part, Please watch part 1 the link for the same is :

   • Depreciation Part 1|| Theoretical Par...  

If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at :
[email protected] or you can simply ask in the comment section.

Thank You!

#depreciationaccounting #straightlinemethod #shorttricks #tutorial


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