bakery style sponge cake recipe | vanilla pastry

Описание к видео bakery style sponge cake recipe | vanilla pastry

bakery style sponge cake recipe | vanilla pastry

100 gm powdered sugar
100gm all purpose flour/maida
25ml cooking oil
1tsp baking powder
1tsp Vanilla essence/ any essence of your choice
3 eggs at room temperature

I got this recipe from a bakery near my home. All thanks to the baker of that bakery. The sponge cake really turned out to be very spongy and moist. I loved the texture so much that I felt like sharing this amazing recipe with you all. Do try it and let me know in the comments, as to how it turned out for you.

Lots of ❤️ , Happy Baking 😊


bakery style sponge cake recipe | vanilla pastry


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