అరుణాచలంలో Afternoon ఎండలో 🥵మా గిరి ప్రదక్షిణ😭😭। ఎలా చేయాలి ఎక్కడ Start చేయాలి ????😱

Описание к видео అరుణాచలంలో Afternoon ఎండలో 🥵మా గిరి ప్రదక్షిణ😭😭। ఎలా చేయాలి ఎక్కడ Start చేయాలి ????😱

Arunachala giri pradakshina
In this video you can get full details of Arunachala giri pradakshina. When you start giri pradakshina timings at Tiruvannamalai temple what to carry and walking especially baby kids how to carry do Giri Pradakshina about safety points I mentioned adults should follow these instructions I told in this video where you start and where you end Giri Pradakshina full details is there please watch this Full video you clear all your doubts then Mokshamaargam who can do who can't do how to enter easily the way of Mokshamaargam you all details.
1. When you start Giri Pradakshina
2. Where the end the Giri pradakshina
3. Carrying kids and transportation how to do Giri pradakshina
4.Adults carry must and need things
5. Washrooms/Restrooms how can kilometres once comes
6. Travel train timings and charges &food restaurants/ Drink's
7. Baby kids emergency medical where how many kilometres
8. Above 60+ age people need rest how many kilometres rooms
9. Where you stay in Tiruvannamalai budget rooms rate100₹
10. Under 1000₹ AC rooms available
In this video I explained about these points and more safety things this video is very useful you get full details and Arunachalam thiruvannamalai temple


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