Black Nazarene Prayer

Описание к видео Black Nazarene Prayer

"Prayers to Jesus, the Black Nazarene" | "The Black Nazarene" devotion is a Catholic tradition in the Philippines that honors a life-sized, dark-colored wooden statue of Jesus Christ carrying the cross. The statue is believed to have been brought from Mexico to Manila in the early 17th century by the first group of Augustinian Recollect friars sent by Spain. The image was charred black in a fire that broke out on the ship during the trip. Devotees believe the statue holds miraculous powers and flock to it by the millions during an annual procession on January 9th. Devotees try to touch the statue as it is paraded through the streets in hopes of having prayers answered or illnesses cured.

Black Nazarene Prayer (prayer text)
Beloved Lord Jesus, Black Nazarene, I come to You for help. Life is a constant struggle and I feel the pain of my journey. Bless me, Jesus, and teach me to listen to You in all the events of my life, knowing that nothing happens by chance. Everything that happens has a reason.

When I feel the pain of sickness, teach me to cope with loving surrender, to unite myself with You on the Cross, and to believe in the power of healing.

When I experience emotional, financial and psychological brokenness, and all types of difficulties, help me to rise up with the belief that with God, nothing is impossible.

I come to You today, Jesus, to ask for healing , and to offer my petitions to You… (say petitions).

I ask you, Lord, to hear and grant these petitions, and those of Your entire Church. Amen.

Mother Mary, pray for us.
Jesus, the Black Nazarene, I trust in You.

O my loving Jesus, whose life in Nazareth was marked with humility and obedience, and whose sufferings and death brought about my salvation, grant that I may overcome pride and develop love for earthly hardships. For it is only through a humble heart and joyful love of the cross that I can follow in Your footsteps. It is only by carrying my cross daily that I can follow in Your footsteps. It is only by carrying my cross daily that I can reach heaven.

Jesus Nazarene, bless me and my family. Amen.

O most sweet Jesus Nazarene, my God and Redeemer, who hast trodden the road to Calvary with the weight of the cross on Thy shoulders, look down on me, a sinner, who is now giving praise to Thy sufferings. I thank Thee for saving me through Thy sweet acceptance of sufferings on the cross.

Forgive me my sins, O Good Jesus. I acknowledge my weaknesses, and I trust, that out of Thy boundless mercy, Thou will wash, with Thy blood, my innumerable sins. I love Thee above all things, and I promise to try to be faithful to Thy commandments until the hour of my death.

Be with me, Lord, and guide my steps, so that I may find at the end of this earthly journey the kingdom of heaven. Amen.

O Lord Jesus, Black Nazarene, You are the victim of my sins, and in Your Precious Body, You had taken up the penalty of shame, pain, and death. Thank you, Lord Jesus, for saving my soul from eternal death. I now live my life in You, for You. May You be entirely with me. Live in me, guide me. Help me in all my troubles, and may no evil harm me, for I bear in me Your marks, and I am blessed with Your companionship. Amen.

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