Build Your Own Android Webview App: A Step-by-step Guide With Android Studio

Описание к видео Build Your Own Android Webview App: A Step-by-step Guide With Android Studio

In this video, we will see how to create an android WebView app using Android Studio.

We will start by creating a new project and setting the required properties. Next, we will add a WebView element to our layout and configure its properties. Finally, we will write some code to load a website in the WebView.

Check the code at:

00:00 Start New Project
00:18 Select Empty Activity
01:57 Give Internet Access Permission
02:47 Add a WebView to your MainActivity
07:18 Add your Site URL
11:27 Add Icon to your App
15:33 Generate APK for WebView

#webview #androidapp #websitetoapp


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