Bastl Kastle Lo-fi Tiny Modular Synthesizer

Описание к видео Bastl Kastle Lo-fi Tiny Modular Synthesizer

A sampling of sounds, sequences, glitches, and just plain noise from Bastl's lo-fi modular powerhouse, the Kastle. These patches use a combination of patching the synth into itself and also with a Korg SQ-1 sequencer.

The Bastl Instruments Kastle literally brings modular synthesis to the palm of its user’s hand. The module is battery powered for maximum portability and boasts a characteristically lo-fi digital sound. The synthesizer has three voltage-controllable parameters—Pitch, Timbre, and Waveshape—and utilizes three different synthesis methods: phase distortion, phase modulation, and track & hold modulation. There's also a stepped waveform generator that enables the creation of pseudo-sequences, meaning this synth literally has everything one would need to create a modular progression.

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