DJ Tango - Project 1 (Protracker Retrack by Ant To Be)

Описание к видео DJ Tango - Project 1 (Protracker Retrack by Ant To Be)

I made a track for the first time in Protracker on real Amiga computer
Actually this is a retrack of my fav tune originally by DJ Tango (RIP) from 1992.
A couple of years ago I found almost all the samples of this tune only mystery for me was the voice sample, so I put a sample Mary J Blidge instead hehe. The drums consisting of 2 breaks and a kick did not fit into the limitations of 4 channels, so I had to use mod 2 smp / pat 2 smp.
Still learning amiga stuff. Big up all hardcore mf & junglists!


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