How to Digitise Vinyl (Part 4) cleaning up the vinyl surface noise

Описание к видео How to Digitise Vinyl (Part 4) cleaning up the vinyl surface noise

How to Digitise Vinyl (Part 3) Tempo Comparisons

In this series of videos Ian from Sinners Music Records takes us though
The process of digitising a 40 year old vinyl record and releasing it on Sinners Music Records
In Part 4 Ian cleans up the vinyl surface noise

In Part 3 Ian checked recording speed, compared to a cassette recording.
   • How to Digitise Vinyl (Part 3) Tempo ...  

In Part 2 Ian explained how to digitise the album, check the turntable speed, perform a headphone record test and show the full digitisation process
   • How to Digitise vinyl (Part 2) The Pr...  

In Part 1 Ian explains how to check the turntable speed prior to digitising the album
   • How to Digitise vinyl (Part 1) checki...  


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