Summon Lilith & Conquer The Chaos - Dark Ancient Feminine Archetype Music | Primal Tantric Sexuality

Описание к видео Summon Lilith & Conquer The Chaos - Dark Ancient Feminine Archetype Music | Primal Tantric Sexuality

The order arises from chaos. The Lilith archetype is a leash that makes the powers of chaos yield to your will. The dark tantric music summons the Lilith energy and merges it with your energy. The dark archaic energy of chaos lets you take over the seemingly random processes that surround you in your daily life and bend them to your advantage. The sacred ancient feminine energy provides the powers to leash and subjugate the chaos.

The Lilith meditation music benefits to everyone who praises the primal feminine energy and summons it in their rituals - Wiccans, shamans, dark tantrics, magicians... The sacred dark femininity is the key to mastering your own life and to creating the order from the energy of chaos. The dark tantra of Lilith charges your with the ability to control the circumstances and the environment, in a similar way as the law of attraction does, but involving the primal archaic energy of the Earth.

The primal feminine energy has the deep and wild sexuality in its core. This sexual energy derives from the libido of the Earth herself. The archaic sexual energy is extremely potent for facilitating change and liberation, for attracting the desired. The Lilith meditation builds up a bold social magnetism and charisma. The Lilith energy charges you with a rock-solid self-confidence and a proper self-esteem.

Summon the archaic Feminine Goddess and charge your life with success, abundance and control.

THIS MEDITATION IS UNISEX. In spite Lilith is a feminine archetype, the energy of Lilith can be used by both women and men. The masculine sexuality and the feminine sexuality are the same deep in their core. The Lilith meditation makes you a master of your life no matter if are female or male.

Composition number: 21170


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