Bio NMR Applications - An Introduction

Описание к видео Bio NMR Applications - An Introduction

On Thursday December 10, 2022 the IVAN Users Group held a discussion of Bio Molecular NMR Applications. Murali Nagarajan (Rutgers University), lead the panel that included Prof. Ranajeet Ghose (Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry, CUNY) who presented an introduction to the study of week complexes in solution and Prof. Andrew Nieuwkoop (Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey) who presented practical aspects of structural studies of proteins in the solid state.

NMR applications for the study of structure, dynamics, and interactions have been an integral part of NMR methods advancements and pushing the quest towards ever higher magnetic fields. The range of biomolecular systems that are studied are so wide that the focus is not only on understanding macromolecules and their assemblies in the liquid state but also in the solid state. The, ever increasing, magic angle sample spinning rate approaching 100kHz has led to proton observation in solid-state and a class of newer experiments have been developed that mimic liquid state experiments.


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