QF | skiatzo vs NINERIK | COE x Yuki Aim 1v1 Tournament |

Описание к видео QF | skiatzo vs NINERIK | COE x Yuki Aim 1v1 Tournament |

cavoe's osu! event (or COE for short) is a yearly international convention by and for the osu! community. It is held at The Brabanthallen in Den Bosch, The Netherlands. Featuring over 300 BYOC spots, various activities and events. It is the biggest osu!-focused convention worldwide.

Intro: 00:00
Bans: 03:15
Match: 06:45

Check out cavoe's osu! event here:
  / discord  
  / cavoesosuevent  

Couldn't join this activity? Don't worry! There will be plenty more activities at the next cavoe's osu! event.


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