Pascal FEOS & Frank Leicher - Area 51

Описание к видео Pascal FEOS & Frank Leicher - Area 51

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Areal has gathered all its friends and fellows to celebrate its glorious past. Each of them had received the same message with the following content:
Enclosed, you will find samples taken from more than 200 tracks released on Areal between 001 (Basteroid / Automatique) and 057 (Metope / Betawol).
No Rules!
And our words have obviously fallen on open ears: The called have poured onto us supreme grandeurs of music whereby each of them individually tackled the historic collection of sound files. You can literally feel the fun they had quoting the label's history and the loads of positive energy. So, we would now like to proudly present:
„a 100 years of Areal".
A wonderful collection of homages of Areal's old and new friends, such as: Schleppstigg, Hrdvsion, Undo, The Cheapers, Pan/Tone, Pascal FEOS and Frank Leicher, Andreas Henneberg, Fairmont, Metope, Basteroid and Falko Brocksieper.


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