Pentatonix/PTX Spreecast August 27, 2015

Описание к видео Pentatonix/PTX Spreecast August 27, 2015

Pentatonix Spreecast for 8/27/2015 from Albuquerque, New Mexico. Index below. Fan channel, not affiliated with Pentatonix.

You, too, can watch these live once a month and ask your own questions! Become a Pentatonix Patreon, where you can help sponsor their videos. But really, I consider it like a fan club. $10/month is pretty reasonable to get direct access to them, plus all the other benefits, like early access to concert tickets.

  / pentatonix  

Love Pentatonix and appreciate their support of their fans!

1:34 Who were the main writers for Can't Sleep Love and what was it like arranging the piece? I'm already in love with that song and can't get it out of my head!
3:01 Kevin- How do you learn to make new sounds? Do you just mess around until you find one you like? I love the electronic-ish stuff you have going in Cheerleader, you never cease to amaze me!
3:37 What does the word "soon" mean to you people??
4:08 What is the strangest or scariest dream that each of you remembers ever having?
5:31 If you could bring back/revive a retired/disbanded band or artist, who would they be? (ex. N*SYNC, My Chemical Romance, Queen, etc)
6:23 How do you decide on which type of sound to use in background parts (oh, ah, dum, da, etc.)? Does it depend on the type of style you're going for? Or does it depend more on the background of the original song (if you're doing a cover.)
6:56 Will we be able to buy the varsity jacket you wear in the cheerleader video?
7:30 What is something you cannot bear the sound of?
9:11 What is each member's go-to stress reliever on tour?
9:26 If you had a time machine, Where/When would you like to visit?
10:54 What are each of your favorite musical keys and why?
11:22 Favorite song from the Piece by Piece album? (can't wait to see y'all and Kelly perform in Camden!)
11:51 What is your favorite home cooked comfort food from childhood?
13:43 What is each member's favorite quote or motto to live by?
15:06 Since Kevin has played cello on some songs, is there any chance Avi will bring in his guitar for a song or two?
15:47 Whose idea was it to create and sell the #soon shirts? Was it Scott?
16:26 What is each member like when drunk? [skipped]
16:32 What is one characteristic that you love most about each other?
17:28 With all of your growing success, did you find even more pressure to complete the originals album by the industry standards or were you able to make it completely your own?
18:47 If you had to listen to only one artist for the rest of your life, who would it be?
19:36 What is one habit you wish you could change?
21:00 What was your favorite experience during the "On My Way Home" tour? I loved seeing you in Oakland!
22:17 What inspired some of you guys to start blogs? Thanks for letting us into your lives!
23:18 Avi: I've seen videos of Uptown Funk with Kelly Clarkson and you keep singing when you all leave the stage. Do you sing it till the very end backstage? I'm wondering since I saw the first video.
23:39 Is there any song (maybe an old one, from the Sing-Off days) that you want to re-arrange, or are you happy with the way each song you've done has turned out?
24:43 Has there ever been a point where you at first didn't believe in yourself and that turned around to believing in yourself & self confidence? How did you get to this point?
26:08 Good advice you have received recently?
27:02 How is it important to you to write your own songs?
27:27 What is one strange talent that each of you has?
28:36 What's been your favorite part of the Piece by Piece tour so far? Have your learned any new things from it for your next tour?
30:39 The PentaCon committee made a big announcement Wednesday! How excited are you about what's in store for next summer?


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