Walking the Camino Portuguese "Day Zero"

Описание к видео Walking the Camino Portuguese "Day Zero"

Hey there! I'm Matas from Lithuania! If walking 250+ km wasn't hard enough, I decided to film everything too. Seemed like a fun thing to do! I've not done this before, so go easy on me!

I've walked the whole coastal route + spiritual way of the Portuguese Camino in 10 days + 1 rest day. So this, you could say, is day Zero. No idea how many videos there will be out for this Camino, since there were days where I felt like not filming at all, but pushed through. It's not as easy as I thought.

Anyways, this is part one of many, from the looks of it.

If you have any constructive thoughts, or questions, or just wanna say hi to a pilgrim, shoot me a message on Instagram @matas.vaisnoras


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