1992 BTCC pt3, rounds 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13

Описание к видео 1992 BTCC pt3, rounds 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13

Firstly, apologies for the quality of the transfer, its an old tape and a bit crinkly! (I could prob do with a new pc to) Its irritating, but far from unwatchable

Which is good because 92 was an excellent season, prob one of the most memorable ever, certainly for me. Close racing, plenty of incident, some excellent quotes from Murray, all building to the climax im sure were all familiar with :) I was still at school so had free weekends to religiously watch the coverage on grandstand, drama from the start and arguably the most intense final three rounds of any season, in any class, before or since!

9 + 10) Knockhill
11) Pembrey
12 + 13) Brands Hatch


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