(Natalie) Dance with My Father (Synth V Cover)

Описание к видео (Natalie) Dance with My Father (Synth V Cover)

Synthesizer V Cover Song, Dance with My Father, original artist Luther Vandross

It seems a lot of different people went into the arrangement/composition/production of this song, so I'll leave the credits to the wikis

Voicebanks: Natalie

Tuning: Thannondov (Me)

Instrumental made with midi from freemidi

I wanted to do a cover with a tuning style imitative of the singing of my favorite cover artist @ScheherazadEify (who has an absolutely beautiful voice and seems to be recently back on YT, finally?!)

When I heard Natalie's voice with the instrumental for the first time I teared up a little. Now that's a first. Or could simply be that I'm too emotional from lacking sleep... derp


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