Why is this DIY Solar hot water system better (on the example of my summer cottage)

Описание к видео Why is this DIY Solar hot water system better (on the example of my summer cottage)

This solar heater has been used by me for hot water supply of my summer cottage during last 5 years. But now I decided to dismantle this heater and replace it with this very simple and cheap solar hot water system, and I am sure my decision is right because of the following 6 reasons.

1) This solar heater takes up much space, and here we can notice its hot water tank which requires the space of my attic. Compared to that, my new solar heater does not require that additional tank or any other equipment. In addition, it is just my first experimental system, and some of my future systems will have such more compact shapes, and I will test them and describe them in my future videos. That is why my heater is connected to the house through these temporary hoses, not permanent reliable pipes.

2) This is a very simple system, and it is easily made in a home workshop. My system has this black polymer sleeve which is filled with water and covered with transparent sheets, and it is obvious that the sun will heat the water during the daytime.

Now it is evening, and this sensor shows the temperature of the upper layer of the water, and we see that sometimes the sun can heat the water to a temperature of more than 70 ºC. This sensor measures the temperature of the lower water layer which can be noticeably colder than the upper layer. It is obvious that the water will lose its heat during the night, and now we see the water temperature in the morning when it can be almost 50 ºC.

So, the water stores a stock of heat to transfer it to our clean water which can move in this white pipe.

3) The hot water of my old system had a pressure of about 2 m, according to the level of hot water inside this tank in my attic. At the same time, the cold water has a standard pressure of 20 m, and therefore I was forced to make such shower faucet, but unfortunately this shower was uncomfortable. My washbasin mixer was traditional, but now we see that the flow of hot water was very bad, while the cold water had a normal flow.

But this new system makes the pressure of hot water equal to the pressure of cold water, and therefore now I have the opportunity to comfortably use this traditional shower. In addition, now the washbasin mixer gives a normal flow of both hot and cold water.

4) My old system required periodic additions of cold water to this tank in my attic, and now I open this tap to add the cold water.

But I remind you that my new system has this white pipe, and the inlet of the pipe connects to the cold water supply of the house through this hose. At the same time, this hose goes from the pipe outlet here, and this place is intended for a similar electric heater, and these tubes must connect to these two pipes.

Now I opened the hot water tap, and we see the water which comes here, and before that it leaves the white pipe through this outlet. Let's take a look at the temperature of the water from the pipe outlet when the sensors showed these temperatures of water inside that black sleeve.

This sensor shows the degrees Celsius of the temperature of the water which leaves the white pipe. At first, the temperature is almost 64 ºC because it is the water which has been inside the pipe for a long time. However the temperature decreases because now we see water which also has long been inside the pipe, but near the bottom of that black sleeve where the temperature is less.


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