Tag de France Booktube Tag! June 28, 2024

Описание к видео Tag de France Booktube Tag! June 28, 2024

And original booktag by Gavin at ‪@GenreBooks23‬

The prompts:

0:00 tag Intro One Piece
0:36 - 1. "Le Grand Depart" - A memorable preface, introduction or opening line.
2:30 - 2. "Maillot Vert" - A book under 150 pages.
4:45 - 3. "King of the Mountains" - A book that you persevered with, and are glad that you did.
5:43 - 4. "Maillot Jaune" - A book where "yellow" is prominent.
8:31 - 5. "Lantern Rouge" - A book you were late to.
10:22 - 6. "Hors catégorie" - What's the hardest book that you've read (or failed to read).
12:00 - 7. Endurance - Your favourite series.
16:35 - 8. "Champs-Élysées" - Your favourite "Paris" novel.
18:03 - 9. Lance Armstrong- Have you ever cheated to get to the finish quicker?
19:19 - 10. “L’equipe” - Tag some others of the BookTube team!


#booktube #smallbooktuber #readbooks #reading #sciencefiction #fantasy #booktag #arthurcclarke #moebius #onepiece


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