Learn Italian | Travel Words and Phrases in Italian

Описание к видео Learn Italian | Travel Words and Phrases in Italian

Hi and welcome back!
You seemed to really enjoy the video I did where I taught you some basic Italian words and greetings, so I decided to continue with the series. In this video I wanted to teach you some travel inspired words and phrases to help you if you are thinking of traveling to Italy. Here are a list of words and phrases you will learn in this video:

-Aeroporto - Airport
-Stazione - (train) Station
-Trano - Train
-Macchina - Car
-Albergo - Hotel
-Bagagli - Luggage
-Biglietto - Ticket
-Banca - Bank
-Bancomat - ATM
-Bagno - Bathroom
-Via - Street
Metro/Metropolitana - Subway (station)

-Destra - Right
-Sinistra - Left
-Dritto - Straight
-Vicino - Near
-Lontano - Far

-Scusa - Excuse me
-Mi scusi - Excuse me (formal)
-Mi sono perso - I'm lost
-Come ti chiami? - What's your name?
-Mi chiamo ____. - My name is _____.
-Parla Inglese? - Do you speak English?
-Non parlo Italiano - I don't speak Italian
-Non capisco - I don't understand

The first video where I teach you basic greetings and words can be seen here:
   • Learn Italian | Basic Greetings and W...  

Thanks so much for watching, I really hope this video can help with your travels by learning and understanding these travel words and phrases. I think the most important thing here is to become familiar with the words and pronunciation, so hopefully you have learned something new here, and if you did please leave this video a "thumbs up" and don't forget to subscribe for more :)

Love: Lisa (@ladolcelisa)


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