Create a Free Static Website with AWS Amplify and Amazon S3 | AWS Tutorials for Beginners

Описание к видео Create a Free Static Website with AWS Amplify and Amazon S3 | AWS Tutorials for Beginners

If you want to create and host a simple static website (meaning no server-side code), it’s easier than ever with AWS Amplify Hosting and Amazon S3. This is the new recommended way to do things. And you can do it for free (if you’re part of the Free Tier) or for only pennies outside of the Free Tier.

Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) is used as inexpensive object storage (think: files, images, videos, logs, etc.). And then Amplify gives you the actual hosting part of things, along with many additional features like the ability to use a custom domain, to use custom headers, get monitoring and more.

In this hands-on tutorial, I’ll show you how to create an S3 bucket, create a new Amplify app that points to the bucket, and then how to make updates to the website once it’s deployed. Also be sure to stick around to the end where I’ll show you how to delete all the resources we created.

• An AWS account
• The index.html page used in the video can be found here:

• Creating a static website with only S3 (the old way):    • AWS Project: How to Create a Static W...  
• Create an app using Amplify Gen 2:    • AWS Amplify Gen 2 Tutorial | Build a ...  
• S3 for Beginners:    • Amazon/AWS S3 (Simple Storage Service...  

If you’re interested in getting AWS certifications, check out these full courses. They include lots of hands-on demos, quizzes and full practice exams. Use FRIENDS10 for a 10% discount!
AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner:
AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate:

00:00 – Host a static website on Amazon S3 and Amplify for free or almost free!
00:25 – Reviewing the index.html file and image for a simple static website
00:47 – What will this cost? Reviewing the Free Tier for Amazon S3 and AWS Amplify
01:26 – Creating a new S3 bucket to host our website files
02:17 – Creating a new Amplify app from the S3 Console to host static files from S3
03:05 – Creating a new Amplify app from the Amplify Console to host static files from S3
04:06 – Viewing the Amplify application URL
04:17 – The S3 bucket policy that is automatically created for us
04:56 – Making updates to website files and re-deploying the changes
06:15 – Why use Amplify Hosting for a static website with S3?
06:32 – Using a custom domain name with a static Amplify and S3 app
07:04 – Additional features available with AWS Amplify Hosting for a static website
07:42 – IMPORTANT! Deleting the Amplify app and S3 bucket


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