More details on the rumored opening sequence of Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker!

Описание к видео More details on the rumored opening sequence of Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker!

Spoiler Warning: Rumors and Spoilers from Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker! Please don’t openly share this content with those that do not wish to be spoiled. Be nice and be smart to keep it to yourself or between those who wish to know.

More on the opening sequence of Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker

A source reached out after the last update and filled in exactly what the catalyst is that breaks up the opening  scene described to me from Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker.  In case you didn't see yesterday's update yet, here is the meat of it (check the full article for a few random tidbits):

After the opening crawl, we pan from space. The camera moves towards a planet covered in trees. We see a blue lightsaber dueling a green lightsabers in the distance. Both of the lightsabers are held in hand by two Jedi with white helmets with visors covering their faces so we cannot immediately recognize if this is Rey with someone new. The two Jedi break from their duel and remove their helmets to reveal Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa looking exactly the age they did in Return of the Jedi on Endor's moon. The movie begins with a flashback.
What to expect when you're expecting.

I'm told the reason the training is halted in the opening scene because Return of the Jedi era Luke Skywalker realizes something has changed with his sister, Leia Organa. He questions Leia and she confides in Luke that's she's going to be a mother. This is the moment Luke Skywalker realizes Ben Solo is coming and the galaxy will never be the same again.

We then hear a voice-over shouting "Master Leia!" causing Rey to end Leia's flashback and we are thrust into the post-Luke Skywalker era, far from General Leia Organa's training with her brother all those years ago. Now, we are with Leia and Rey amongst the trees. Rey trains to become the Jedi that will face-off against the evil supreme leader that was once the child Leia carried during her training with Luke Skywalker.

A caveat worth noting.

About a month ago, there was filming being conducted in Black Park near Pinewood Studios. The location where Rey trains was used again and it makes sense that the additional content pertains to these sequences. For all we know, there's been stuff added. However, it could just be a lot of minor performance changes or shot coverage for a better way to present the sequence. I do seem to remember first hearing of the flashback sequence and it being a secret location within Pinewood Studios itself.

What might it mean?

I like how the sequence expands on Leia's character while also showing us one of the moments we always wanted to see after 1983 when we hoped "they" would make more Star Wars movies that continued the Skywalker story. If this rumor is accurate in the way I've heard it described, it sets the tone of Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker hard and fast. This movie is about saving Ben Solo and bringing Rey into the fold.


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