SESSION 7 - "The Fall of Jericho" JOSHUA - 9/21/24

Описание к видео SESSION 7 - "The Fall of Jericho" JOSHUA - 9/21/24

Join Roy Ice and The Bible Lab Global for an interactive conversation about the character of God. In this series, we take a look at God's character as displayed in the life of Joshua. This week, we'll be taking a look at the time when God caused the walls of Jericho to come crumbling down in Joshua 6:1-25.
A free PDF of the study guide is available at: Make sure you select the study guide for Session 7.

Join us each Saturday at 10:30 AM (PST). Roy Ice leads out in this innovative Bible study on the character of God from the Loma Linda University Church campus.

This week we will ask these questions:
• Why do we still doubt God’s future victories in our lives, despite his proof in stories like Jericho?
• Why do you think God wanted to use the number 7 in so many ways in this battle?
• Does God still operate in unconventional ways today? What have you experienced?
• What does it say about God that he wants us to praise Him during the battle rather than to be concerned about the strategy of the battle?
• Why does God only give us small amounts of information instead of the big picture?
• How would you have felt, doing a three hour march around Jericho?
• Why you think God wanted everything and everyone destroyed Does this match God’s character of love and salvation?
• What does Rahab’s and her family’s salvation tell you about God? And what do you think God was trying to say by including her in Jesus’ lineage?


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