30 Challenges Only TRUE My Singing Monsters Fans Can Complete

Описание к видео 30 Challenges Only TRUE My Singing Monsters Fans Can Complete

30 Challenges Only TRUE My Singing Monsters Fans Can Complete

Do you think you a real fan of the My Singing Monsters games and can beat any MSM Quiz? In this My Singing Monster Challenge, I'll ask 30 awesome questions about the game and characters that only true fans will be able to complete, and if you are one of them you will have a ton of fun! I'll ask stuff like songs, monsters names, islands and everything MSM related! If you love monsters like Mammott, Monculus, Noggin, Wubbox, Furcorn etc you will have blast with this MSM Trivia and Quiz!

Turn your volume up, pay close attention and good luck!


Each time someone subscribes Quiz Garden, we're watering the channel for more fun! Thanks!

#msm #mysingingmonsters #quiz


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