Hear My Voice, O God - Psalm 64 NORTHRIGHT - Treasury 200

Описание к видео Hear My Voice, O God - Psalm 64 NORTHRIGHT - Treasury 200

1. 1 Hear my voice, O God; heed my anguish.
Save me from my foes lest they vanquish.
2 Hide me from the schemes and the plans which
These rebellious men secretly devise.

2. 3 They have whet their tongues sharp as daggers.
They aim cruel darts, bitter anger.
4 They shoot blameless men, make them stagger.
There’s no fear of God in their wicked hearts.

3. 5 With impunity they are preening,
“Who will see our snares or our scheming?”
6 What imaginings, what dark dreamings
Lie deep in the thoughts and the heart of man!

4. 7 With their arrows, Lord, shoot and pierce them.
Let their own vile tongue be what spears them.
Though they thought themselves strong and fierce men,
8 All who look on them turn away in scorn.

5. 9 But all look on God rapt with wonder;
All His mighty deeds they will ponder.
10 Righteous men will trust and give honor
To the LORD and sing glory to His name.

Music: Jean Sibelius (1865–1957)
Text: Valerie Anne Bost, 2018 © [email protected]
Tune name: NORTHRIGHT 9 9 9. 10.

All vocals by Michael E. Owens
I record tunes that anyone can sing.
Now that you know the tune, go ahead and sing it.


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