REPLAY: Learn how to create an Easy Zipper pouch in a zip with Jenny and Misty Doan!

Описание к видео REPLAY: Learn how to create an Easy Zipper pouch in a zip with Jenny and Misty Doan!

Jenny's back with Misty to show off the rainbow of fun Fancy Zips NEW from Missouri Star Quilt Company! This super-cute Fancy Zipper Bag makes an amazing gift for friends, family, and for YOU! Watch how Jenny makes this super easy and customized - and check out all the beautiful shapes and colors! There's sure to be a Fancy Zip just right for your next project!

Click here for the Full Supply List:
Pick up the Printed Pattern:
Zip it up with a MSQC Fancy Zip:
Keep it simple with Heat N Bond Fusible Fleece:
Stitch it up with quilting thread and accessories:


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