Stourport Jubilee year 1977

Описание к видео Stourport Jubilee year 1977

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This fantastic video is excellent for Stourport's history and 'The way we were' in 1977.
Ahmed Tariq, who worked at Bond Worth Carpets, made this 8mm cine film in the Silver Jubilee year of 1977, with the help of his wife Meghan and David & Brenda Guyett. They were all active in the twinning of Stourport Town with Villeneuve in France.
It was very well produced and includes a close look at the popular shops, special events, twinning events, street parties, local buildings, the clothes we wore and the 1977 carnival.
A lot of the original music has been replaced because of deterioration of the sound track.
The convertion from 8mm cine film to DV tape was funded by the Stourport Civic Society.
All new music copyright paid via AKM music.
For any more information email [email protected]


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