will & alicia | missed connections

Описание к видео will & alicia | missed connections

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Well, nothing like grief to inspire me to vid. Last time I vidded these two was when season 3 promo came out, good times sniff

I started a couple of projects after 5.16 aired. I had all these ideas that explored Alicia's search in that episode but I couldn't do it. I think I'm too fragile for that rn. So I decided not to focus on Will's death and voilá. I finished something (at the expense of sleep and school work, but it was fun). I feel as melodramatic as Carole Lombard in My Man Godfrey, "life is but an empty bubble."

I realized I rely too much on lyrics to guide me, so I challenged myself to focus on emotions rather than narrative. I always felt that their relationship was doomed not only because of their infamous bad timing, but their horrible communication skills. It's amazing how many times they said they would talk about something and never did. We rarely got scenes where they even verbally expressed their feelings to each other (and those are often complicated by their really great timing). I think W/A, more than any ship I ever cared about, rely on communicating through their looks and body language - and Josh and Julianna are incredible at this. So I tried to make this video a lot about this inability and fear of talking. I felt the repetition was needed to mimic the repetition in Alicia's reaction to his death. And I'm sorry for the abrupt ending. I don't have the energy to fix it.

William Paul Gardner, I don't often love male characters but I loved you a lot. And I miss you tons. Thank you for all the silliness.

Inspired by    • impossible loves | multifandom  

Disclaimer: I do NOT own this song or these clips. Made for fun only, no profits intended.


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