Creating a Query in Microsoft Access

Описание к видео Creating a Query in Microsoft Access

Mastering select queries in Microsoft Access is key for anyone who wants to manage and analyze data efficiently. These queries allow you to access just the information you need, helping streamline your database tasks and improve your reports. This skill is essential for effective database management and developing applications, making it a crucial tool for your projects.

The following is Lesson 9 from my Complete Microsoft Access Beginner Level 1 course. If you enjoy this video, you can access the entire four-hour course for free on my website. You'll also find additional resources and links on my YouTube channel below. Now, let's continue with the lesson.

Access Beginner 1, Complete Course:
Access Beginner 1, Complete Course:    • Microsoft Access Beginner Level 1 - C...  
More Videos on Queries:

In this Microsoft Access query tutorial, we're going to learn how to build customer queries. We'll see how to add tables to your query, add fields from the table to the query. We'll see how to run the query. Then we'll learn how to sort by multiple fields and add query criteria.

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