Are metallic papers good for your prints? Hahnemühle Photo Rag Metallic 340. What images work?

Описание к видео Are metallic papers good for your prints? Hahnemühle Photo Rag Metallic 340. What images work?

What images work with a metallic paper such as Hahnemühle Photo Rag Metallic 340? Paper characteristics and testing with pigment inks on the Epson P5300 [P5370]

More info about Hahnemühle Photo Rag Metallic 340

My standard test images are available from:
and B&W from

The glossy metallic paper I mentioned in the video is

I'm testing this fine art paper on the Epson P5300 [P5370] pigment ink printer for colour, and black and white. The ink set of the P5300 is the same as the smaller P700 and P900.

The P5300 [P5370 in the US] is here for me to produce a detailed review, which will cover all aspects of using the printer as well as compare it with the 17" P900 and P5000 printers. Epson's new high end photo/art printer has 10 pigment inks, 200ml carts, roll paper [with cutter] Sheet paper cassette holds up to 17"x22" and A2 paper.

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