
Описание к видео 【英國自由行攻略】超驚人的歷史古蹟?英國中部諾丁漢市區必去景點!

歡迎來到古小兔英國日記,因為最近英國天氣很好,就來諾丁漢市中心逛街,帶大家來看看我居住的諾丁漢長什麼樣子!諾丁漢是一個學生城市,有2所英國著名大學University of Nottingham 和 Nottingham Trent University。

Welcome to Shireena's Diary, because the weather in the UK has been perfect recently, so I took a video in Nottingham city center and will show you how beautiful it is!

- 諾丁漢始於 6 世紀,當時是一個名為 Snotta inga ham 的小定居!19世紀才被定為是一個城市。

章節 Charter
00:00 前言 Intro
01:03 購物商城 The exchange
02:00 舊市集廣場 Old market square
03:08 煉金術士酒吧 The Alchemist
03:45 諾丁漢城堡 Nottingham Castle
06:32 諾丁漢特倫特 Nottingham Trent University


👩🏽‍🎓About me
我是古小兔,畢業於英國諾丁漢特倫特大學,主修數位行銷的商管碩士(Digital marketing MBA)。拍攝與製作這些影片是因為我想要記錄英國生活與想練習剪輯,還有給大家認識不同文化、景點等,所以開始了我的YouTube 頻道。

Hi, i am Shireena from Taiwan, and I studied digital marketing MBA at Nottingham Trent University. I made some vlogs to record my life in the UK, and learn how to edit videos, I hope you would like them. The main reason for making these videos is because i want to record my life and share some attractions or buildings.


📱social media
古小兔自媒體 -Personal social media

📌Instagram : ID: 🔗   / shireena_wine  
📌Facebook: 古小兔 🔗   / shireenagu  
📌Blog : 古小兔分享| 學習 | 旅行 🔗https://shireena.pixnet.net/blog
📌Shireena Wine blog🔗https://shireenawineblog.wordpress.com/


🎼Background Music

📹 editing &fliming

💌 contact
[email protected]


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