God is Love - How Does God's Love and Word Heal Us?

Описание к видео God is Love - How Does God's Love and Word Heal Us?

In this week's podcast, I talk about God's steadfast love and the healing power of His word. How does God's love differ to our love for each other? God's love often includes discipline, which means we can be left to our own devices until we freely turn back to God for healing. God's word heals us, which is why we need to abide in His word by reading the Bible, but also by hearing what He is saying to each of us individually. Sometimes He corrects us and sometimes He tells us what we don't want to hear, but He always tells us the truth and this is what transforms us.

Once we understand how God's love works, we will move beyond the shallow notion that a loving God will never be judgemental or allow us to suffer. God's love is steadfast and unwavering but He will not tolerate sin and He will bring ultimate justice to us all.

Bible passages:

Test the Spirits, (1 John 4); God is Love, (1 John 4:8 & 1 John 4:16); Ask and It is Given, (Matthew 7:7-8); Believe and You shall Receive, (Mark 11:22-24); Ask in My Name, (John 14:12-14); Serpent's Lie, (Genesis 3); Abide in Me, (John 15:4-11); His Steadfast Love Endures Forever, (Psalm 136); God's Word Give Eternal Life, (John 5:24 & John 6:68-69); Let the Redeemed of the Lord Say So, (Psalm 107); God's Disciple, (Hebrews 12:3-12, Psalm 94:12-14, Proverbs 3:11-12); Universe Created by the Word of God, (Hebrews 11:3); He Sent Out His Word & Healed Them, (Psalm 107:20); Word, Spirit, Life, (John 6:63); The Truth Will Set You Free, (John 8:31); You Are of Your Father the Devil, (John 8:43-47); If You Say You Have No Sin, (1 John 1:5-10); Repent, (Matthew 3:2); Turn From Your Wicked Ways, (Acts 3:26 & 2 Chronicles 7:14); People Love the Darkness (John 3:19); Jesus Came to Set Captives Free, (Luke 4:18-21 & Isaiah 61:1); I Am the Way, (John 14:6); The Heart is Deceitful Above all Things, (Jeremiah 17:9); What Comes Out of the Heart Defiles a Person (Matthew 15:16-20); Incline Your Ear and Come to Me, (Isaiah 55:3); Old Life vs New Life, (Ephesians 4:17-32); Jesus Deals with Religious Hypocrites, (Matthew 23); The Way of Love, (1 Corinthians 13:1-13)

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