Processo de tingimento na indústria têxtil

Описание к видео Processo de tingimento na indústria têxtil

Elaborado e desenvolvido por:
Gabriela Ayres Martins Queiroz
Bruna Gutierrez de Souza
Leonardo Silva Vicente
Maria Lucia Petri Betiol
Rodolpho Moro Ignácio
Tauane Oliveira Reis

Lancaster, M. Green Chemistry: An introductory text. Cambridge: The Royal Society of Chemistry, 2002.

Khattab T.A., Abdelrahman M.S., Rehan M. Textile dyeing industry: environmental impacts and remediation. Environ Sci Pollut Res Int. 2020 Feb;27(4):3803-3818

Kinettel D., Saus W., Schollmeyer E. Water-free dyeing of textile accessories using supercritical dioxide carbon. Indian Journal of Fibre & Textile Research. 1997 Sep; Vol. 22:184-189

Mohammad et al. High-Level Production of the Natural Blue Pigment Indigoidine from Metabolically Engineered Corynebacterium glutamicum for Sustainable Fabric Dyes. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 2021 9 (19), 6613-6622


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