Skiwelt 2022_23 - Hexenwelle, Blue 46

Описание к видео Skiwelt 2022_23 - Hexenwelle, Blue 46

30th December 2022, 15:15
At the top of the Rinner chair there is a small fun run configured, mainly for kids, but thought I'd give it a go. Runs along the right of the main Blue 46 run with some camel bumps on the way and a few novelty items. If you're not too carfeul you can pick up a decent amount of speed going over the bumps. This section only lasts to 00:40 where we join the main run.
AT this point you could go right of the hut and that joins the run coming down from the Itter side. Also normally allows access to the timed skicross run, although don't think there was enough snow to have that open.
At 1:15 the piste joining from the right is what you would have been on by going round the hut higher up, this is Red 40 from Itter side. The bottom part of the run is probably a bit tougher than a blue should really be, but it was a combination of the narrowness of the run and the poor snow conditions overall.
Coming out at the bottom we again have a choice of lifts to go for, this time I go for the Hans im Gluck.


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