Ilford Delta 100 Black and White Film Review | All About Film

Описание к видео Ilford Delta 100 Black and White Film Review | All About Film

I often ask, when making these videos, ‘what makes a good film?’ Or, at least, some variation on that question. Often, I ask if this film I’m working with is a good film. We can acknowledge that, with some infrequent exceptions, film today is very good. That, frankly, blows my mind since the industry has been almost twenty years with far less new engineering and research talent influx than prior to digital. So that we have good films at all speaks quite highly of the talented engineers and chemists involved with film today.

The best evidence of that is in the near-uniform quality of black and white 100 ISO film stocks. Literally none of the 100-ISO black and white films being made today are bad, or even poor, or even below-average compared to historic films. Even the worst of them, whatever that film is, performs better than very many historic films. But here’s the thing, Delta 100, it is not the worst of them.

So what is it that makes modern 100 ISO black and white films good? They perform well, meaning they excel in the important technical ways – consistency; uniformity across batches; performance and image characteristics that yield pleasing images; and an ability to be used flexibly across settings, conditions, and subjects to capture captivating images. Delta 100 ticks all those boxes. More than that, I know of no one who has used Delta 100 and come away from the experience with it being anything less than a favorite film. And that, I argue, is because in every possible way that a 100 ISO film could be measured, barring perhaps cost, Delta 100 meets or beats all the competitors. And yes, this is, insofar as I know, the single-best in-production 100 ISO black and white film. Today, and frankly any day. If I met a time traveler from the future who came back just to buy Delta 100 because no better 100 ISO black and white film exists in the future, I’d believe them. I can think of no way to improve this film class beyond what Delta 100 today does.

I think the highest praise that I can pay Delta 100 is that it is, in every format, the single-best 100 ISO black and white film. And its latitude to be pushed up to 400 ISO quite easily and pulled to as slow as 10 ISO quite easily makes it a fantastic all-around film, too. And one quick thing, when I say it can be pushed to 400 ISO what I mean is that at 400 ISO Delta 100 performs better than very many native 400 ISO black and white films being made today. So in my frame of reference, Delta 100 is not simply the best 100 ISO black and white film being made today or ever, it is the best black and white film of any ISO being made today or ever.

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0:00 - Intro
0:10 - Skip Intro
0:57 - Ilford Delta 100 Best Tips, Tricks, & Practices
5:09 - Ilford Delta 100 Subjective Characteristics
10:00 - Ilford Delta 100 Spectral Sensitivity
15:30 - Ilford Delta 100 Filter Performance
18:17 - Ilford Delta 100 Reciprocity Failure
20:54 - Ilford Delta 100 Development Latitude
22:44 - Ilford Delta 100 Recommended Developers
25:10 - Ilford Delta 100 Developers to Avoid
26:44 - Ilford Delta 100 Closing Narrative

Developer Index:
0:20 - Ilford Delta 100 in XTOL 1+3, 100 ISO, 15:30
1:05 - Ilford Delta 100 in Rodinal 1+100, 100 ISO, 70:00 (stand developed)
1:51 - Ilford Delta 100 in Fomadon LQP 1+10, 100 ISO, 8:00
2:46 - Ilford Delta 100 in HC-110 1+119, 100 ISO, 24:00
3:09 - Ilford Delta 100 in HC-110 1+31, 100 ISO, 6:00
5:16 - Ilford Delta 100 in D-76 1+3, 100 ISO, 20:00
6:20 - Ilford Delta 100 in D-76 1+3, 50 ISO, 15:00
7:11 - Ilford Delta 100 in D-76 1+3, 400 ISO, 12:00
7:51 - Ilford Delta 100 in RPX-D 1+19, 100 ISO, 7:00
8:55 - Ilford Delta 100 in Ilfosol 3 1+9, 100 ISO, 11:00
13:12 - Ilford Delta 100 in D-76 Stock, 100 ISO, 8:30
14:30 - Ilford Delta 100 in LegacyPro Mic-X 1+3, 25 ISO, Unknown Time
14:49 - Ilford Delta 100 in LegacyPro Mic-X 1+3, 100 ISO, 22:00
19:34 - Ilford Delta 100 in Rodinal 1+50, 400 ISO, 23:00
20:20 - Ilford Delta 100 in Rodinal 1+50, 100 ISO, 14:00
21:02 - Ilford Delta 100 in HC-110 1+47, 50 ISO, 5:30
22:52 - Ilford Delta 100 in Ilfosol 3 1+14, 100 ISO, 7:30
25:19 - Ilford Delta 100 in DK-50 1+3, 100 ISO, 10:30
26:52 - Ilford Delta 100 in D-76 1+1, 100 ISO, 11:00
29:28 - Ilford Delta 100 in D-76 1+1, 10 ISO, 4:30
30:09 - Ilford Delta 100 in TMax Developer 1+4, 100 ISO, 7:00


"VHS Hero" by Lofive, "Parallax" by Luwaks, "The Road (Instrumental Version)" by Origo, "Sweet Despair" by Dream Cave, "Rose in the Garden (Instrumental Version) by Cody Francis, "Highway Blues" by Henrik Andersson, and "Vista" by Dye O used under active license from Epidemic Sound at the time of this video's upload.


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