Iwama Ryu Budo Demo

Описание к видео Iwama Ryu Budo Demo

Whatever the art or the combat sport that we practice, the authentic Aikido of the founder offers incredible possibilities for all those who wish to perfect their techniques to have a better perception of the principles which govern martial arts in general. , it is through this journey that within our school Iwama Ryu Budo we explore new ways to develop innovative research programs without betraying the foundations of Aikido.
Having been a direct disciple of the founder of Aikido for more than 23 years, Morihiro Saito Shisan bequeathed us a real technical treasure which today helps us to better understand the pedagogical dimension of Traditional Aikido and its impact on the development potential. martial qualities through the acquisition of specific body shapes and placements that will allow the practitioner to manage different situations other than by classical techniques which, although fundamental and essential, will only serve as a basis for much more advanced work if they are performed with accuracy and precision.
Beyond the peaceful and philosophical content, the authentic Aikido of the founder contains in its essence the universal laws around which revolves the mechanics of all the techniques that we practice and study and which go far beyond simple gestures exchanged between two adversaries. as is commonly thought and accepted.


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