Tribute to Mizutani Yuko (水谷 優子)

Описание к видео Tribute to Mizutani Yuko (水谷 優子)

A tribute to one of my favourite Female Seiyuu from the 90s and Early 2000s. Mizutani Yuko passed away on 17/05/2016 due to Breast Cancer. She was 51 years old.

Notable roles are Sakiko Sakura from Chibi Maruko Chan, Takenouchi Sora from Digimon Adventures , Pinoko from Black Jack and Excellen Browning of Super Robot Wars Original Generations Series.

She will always be remember like how Black Jack and Nanbu Kyosuke will always be by her side no matter what.

Sleep well, my Beautiful Pinoko.

Song used: Saigo no Tabi by Misato Aki (The 2nd Ending Song of Super Robots Wars Original Generation Season 2)

Link to her death:


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