A Special Message from Archbishop John C Wester (2024)

Описание к видео A Special Message from Archbishop John C Wester (2024)

The annual Second Collection, August 17-18, 2024, serves as an important opportunity for stewardship and learning. As Catholics, we are part of a community that extends far beyond the boundaries of our own parish. Through these second collections, we have the chance to contribute to various causes. The Second Collection also helps cultivate an understanding of the needs faced by our brothers and sisters. With your help, Catholic Charities is able to provide housing for a homeless family, offer educational support to refugees, and grant educational opportunities to individuals who have never had the chance to attend school. Together we can fulfill our moral and civic responsibility to share in the mission of assisting those in need. Unified support of the Second Collection exemplifies the best of our faith community and allows us to actively engage with our neighbors, improve lives, and provide hope for a better future. https://www.ccasfnm.org/second-collec...


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