Frank Zappa AM Philadelphia - October 31, 1985 - WPVI Studios - From my Master

Описание к видео Frank Zappa AM Philadelphia - October 31, 1985 - WPVI Studios - From my Master

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Frank Zappa AM Philadelphia - October 31, 1985 - WPVI Studios - 6ABC

From my Master

**Sugar walls originally caused this upload to be blocked.
So 1:50 - 2:17 I muted in order to get the segment uploaded in its entirety.

Sorry about the reception. I wasn't home to monitor it, as I was in the audience for this.

So, I know Frank is going to be on 93.3 FM, WMMR that morning. Then I here he is going to be on AM Philadelphia. Awesome!
My boss at the time knew how much of a FZ freak I was, so he HAS TO LET ME schedule the day off. He has no choice! Haha! I call WPVI Studios for tickets, and they tell me I don't need tickets and take my name. Alright, all set!

That morning, I setup my double cassette deck and the VCR, and I start recording WMMR on cassette. Then hit the road. Shitty day. Was overcast, cold and windy early.
Picked up friends and head to WPVI on City Line Avenue. Park and start walking with album in hand. Get to the building entrance a guard asks for tickets. WHAT?!!! I was told I didn't need tickets! They took my name and I told them 3 people. He asks me my name and tells me he doesn't have it. Freaking out now!!! After a brief back and forth, he lets us in. Jezzus! Now were in. Fucking cool! Can't wait to see Frank!

We get seated in the audience, get the studio instructions when to applaud, keep quite, blah, blah, blah. And told to stay in the audience for the entire show. Felt like forever waiting for Frank to be bought out, and everyone erupted in applause when he appeared. Super to see Frank in action. Live on Stage at WPVI Studios!

Frank's segment ended, and he was escorted off the set when they broke for a commercial. I look at my friends, I look at the rest of the audience, kind of wondering, is everyone going to sit for the rest of the show, or see if we can find Frank and maybe get an autograph?
Fuck this, I'm looking for Frank! We had end row seats, so easy exit. Just about everyone else started getting up at the same time. Let's find Frank.

Now wandering the halls of WPVI. I spy Frank in a hallway as he heads to an exit with a bodyguard with him. I ask if he would sign my Shut Up And Play Yer Guitar Album, and he signs it for me, and hits the exit. WOW!

Chuck, we didn't know each other at the time, but I now know that it was you handling security that day. I swear you were in uniform. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.

We get outside and lots of people congregating. A limo close by. Ah, must be for Frank.
As Frank exits the studio we form a line, and he shakes hands, poses for pictures (FUCK! You didn't think of a camera you idiot!!!) and signs more items. (Another DUH moment. I only bought one album with me. sigh...) I do get to shake his hand.
I got a brief moment in time with the man who has given me so much musical enjoyment, and I consider to be the greatest artist of my lifetime.

If you got his far, thanks for reading. Glad to share my little story of that day. It was a great day to remember.

Miss you Frank.


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