I quit social media for 365 days: How my life transformed

Описание к видео I quit social media for 365 days: How my life transformed

Hi, I’m Grishma. I used to spend around 6 hours a day on my phone.

It’s now been a full year since I’ve been off social media, and I wanted to share how this decision has transformed my life. Most of the changes have been incredibly positive, but I also want to touch on some of the downsides. Initially, the idea of deleting my social media accounts was really daunting, so I hope that by sharing my journey, some of you might feel encouraged to give it a try.

Sending love,

0:00 - Introduction
0:33 - Why did I Quit Social Media?
01:47 - First few weeks without Social Media
02:35- FOMO kicked in
04:13 - Positives
06:07 - The aftermath

#socialmedia #addition


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