A-4 Heavy version (M-13) [Unused track] by Shiro SAGISU ― The End of Evangelion OST.【TH, EN Lyrics】

Описание к видео A-4 Heavy version (M-13) [Unused track] by Shiro SAGISU ― The End of Evangelion OST.【TH, EN Lyrics】

Title Track : "M-13テイク1 Heavy version of A-4" (Unfinished) [First recording]

Composed & Arranged by Shiro SAGISU
Choir Lyrics : Mike Wyzgowski

[ =Musicians= ]
Piano solo : Makoto Kuriya
Drums : Yuichi Togashiki
Bass : Akira Okazawa
Guitar : Fujimaru Yoshino
Djembe, conga & shaker : Nobu Saito
Strings orchestra : The London session orchestra
Choir : LOREN and The Freedom Gospel Choir

Recorded & Mixed by KOH-ICHI SUZUKI
Mastering Engineer : Seiji Kaneko


Thanks Artworks by...
― from "cover of the movie program EVANGELION: DEATH & REBIRTH" CG effect by Norihiko Nezu
― Larribee https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/804...
― b-AT-AT https://www.deviantart.com/b-at-at/ar...
― LET https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/121...
― Lutherniel https://www.deviantart.com/lutherniel...
― klk6056 https://www.deviantart.com/klk6056/ar...

Translated Thai Lyrics, Edited & Rendering Directed by ‪@S2P_ThaiLyrics_infinity‬ (S2P_p8k)

Thanks for Watching ^ ^
#TheEndOfEvangelion #ShiroSAGISU #FreedomGospelChoir #LondonSessionOrchestra #LOREN #MikeWyzgowski #エヴァンゲリオン #エヴァ #鷺巣詩郎 #S2P_ThaiLyrics #S2P_infinity

◆ All pictures belong to their respective owners. ◆
◆ All music rights go to Shiro SAGISU, Mike Wyzgowski, khara and King Record Co., Ltd. ◆


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