21 tons of Cornish sardines aboard the ring-netter Golden Harvest

Описание к видео 21 tons of Cornish sardines aboard the ring-netter Golden Harvest

The Golden Harvest is one of 8 ring-netters based in Newlyn that fish during the sardine season which normally runs from July to February.

In 2007, under the EU’s protected names scheme, the name ‘Cornish sardine’ was granted the Product of Geographical Indication (PGI) status, meaning that sardines can only carry that name if the fish are caught within six miles of the Cornish coast, landed and processed within the county of Cornwall or the port of Plymouth. .

In 2010, the Cornish Sardine Fishery was certified by the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC), meaning that north Atlantic sardines caught by CSMA members within the six mile limit off the coast of Cornwall and landed into Cornwall may carry the MSC logo. These conditions were recently expanded to include sardines from the same area being landed and processed in Plymouth. Fish processors, merchants and retail outlets may label sardines caught off the Cornish coast with the MSC logo, provided they have suitable chain of custody arrangements in place, linking the sardines back to a CSMA fishing member. The Cornish fishery was re-certified by the MSC Marine Stewardship Council in March 2017.

Newlyn's fishing community thrives on these who make a living going out Through the Gaps. The fishermen of Newlyn land the finest handline, trawl, net and pot caught fish and shellfish daily so that Michelin starred Cornish chefs like Nathan Outlaw can source #MSCCertified #Hake, #Sardine. Digital fishing images are available from stock or on commission. Come and enjoy the fantastic light to draw or paint in the footsteps of the Newlyn School.


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